Marathon’s aid to flood ravaged Kerala
Last Updated on, November 1st, 2022

In the days after the calamity of a century hit Kerala and wreaked havoc on the state, life has had a hard time getting back on its usual track. With flooding comes not just damage to property but inaccessibility to aid, shortage of food and supplies, unhygienic living conditions and diseases that make rehabilitation a daunting task.
The Marathon Group sent a technically proficient workforce of volunteers to help with repairing and rebuilding. The group included plumbers, carpenters, electricians, masons and supervisors who helped repair ravaged houses.
Over the course of 10 days, the volunteer group of over 20 people helped restore about 300 houses while helping families regain a sense of normalcy back in their lives
“We’re extremely proud of the volunteers who selflessly helped so many families repair their homes.” said Mr Mayur Shah; MD Marathon Group
It was a tough task for the workforce too as Mr. Skaria MK, one of the volunteers put it, “It has not been easy for us to work here. The surroundings are unhealthy with mosquitoes around. There have also been instances when we have seen snakes around the houses where we offered our services. We ignored them all for the happiness and love we received from the flood victims.”
“We highly appreciate the work done by the employees from Marathon Group. It is inspiring to see such voluntary help pouring for the distressed,” said the local Panchayat.
About Marathon Communities
Marathon Group runs its CSR initiatives under the umbrella of ‘Marathon Communities’. We strive to give back to the community in whatever way possible – under Marathon Communities we undertake several initiatives every year like skill training for labour, health and sanitation awareness drives, blood donation drives and more.