Akshay Tritiya – A day of eternal prosperity
Last Updated on, October 31st, 2022

The most auspicious day in the Hindu and Jain calendar, Akshay Tritiya is a common household name and yet is veiled in much mystery as to its origin and importance. In real estate especially, Akshay Tritiya is known as an auspicious day to book a new home.
The Occasion
Akshay Tritiya, also known as ‘Akha Teej’ falls on the third lunar day of Shukla Paksha of Baisakh month. ‘Akshay’ in Sanskrit means imperishable and eternal, while Tritiya means “third”. The day is celebrated with a lot of excitement all over the country. People firmly believe that any new task or possession initiated or purchased on this day grows and prospers continuously. As a result, people wish to marry or buy gold, property, vehicles or join a new job or start a new business venture on this day. They believe that on this day Gods shower their bounties on them and bless them to get great success in life.
Several mythological tales and folklores are associated with Akshay Tritiya. It is said that it was on this day, Lord Parshuram, the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu was born. Some also believe, that on this particular day, Ved Vyas began reciting Mahabharata to Lord Ganesha. According to another legend, it was on this day, river Ganges first descended upon Earth from heaven.
Another very popular legend associated with Akshaya Tritiya is that of the Akshay Patra – the miracle earthen pot gifted to Draupadi, which ensured Pandavas had a never-ending supply of food. It is this Akshay Patra that is one of the primary sources of this day’s importance; signifying eternal prosperity.
Akshay Tritiya enjoys a lot of sanctity in the Hindu Religion. It is an auspicious day and is also considered as “aboojh mahurat” which means that there is no need to find out mahurat for this day as the whole day is considered very sacred and propitious. Akshay means something that doesn’t diminish thus the property that is purchased on this day continues to flourish and brings a lot of goodwill and good luck to the family.
In real estate, this day happens to enjoy tremendous importance. There are many reasons for this. The major being people’s sentimental attachment to their possessions, especially properties that they buy with their hard-earned money. Most of the people take this decision only once in their lifetime so it becomes all the more significant. If they are planning to buy a new property, whether residential or commercial, a lot of buyers prefer that the transaction takes place on the auspicious occasion of Akshay Tritiya.